CORE JAVA Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Java

  • Introduction to Java
  • Features of Java
  • Evolution in Java
  • Developing software in Java
Lesson 2: JVM Architechture:
Lesson 3: Language Fundamentals
  • Data Type
  • Keywords
  • Operators and Assignments
  • Flow Control: Java’s Control Statements
  • Method with Variable Argument Lists
  • Objects and Classes
  • Arrays
  • Declaring Type Safe Enums
  • OOPS Features in Java – Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Other Modifiers – abstract, static and final
  • The Object Class
  • The System Class
  • String Handling
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Common Best Practices
Lesson 4: Packages and Interfaces
  • What is an Interface?
  • Packages
  • Access Specifiers and Modifiers
Lesson 5: Reflection API
Lesson 6: Multithread Programming
  • Thread Life cycle
  • Types Of Threads Implentation
  • Overview about Synchronation
  • Examples
Lesson 7: Property Files
  • What are Property Files?
  • Types of Property files
  • User defined Properties
Lesson 8 : Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expressions
Additional concepts:
  • Eclipse3.3 as an IDE
  • Jboss and Tomcate
Lesson 10: Collections
  • Collections Framework
  • Collection Interface Methods
  • Generics
  • Enhanced For Loop
  • AutoBoxing with Collections
  • Implementing Classes
  • The Legacy Classes and Interfaces
  • Common Best Practices on Collections
Lesson 11: Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling – Fundamentals
  • Exception Types
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Creating Application Specific Exceptions
  • Best Practices on Exception Handling
Lesson 12: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC 3.0)
  • Java Database Connectivity - Introduction
Lesson 13: Annotations
  • What are annotations?
  • Advantages of annotations
  • Types of Annotations
  • Creating Annotations
  • Using Annotations
  • Testing the Annotations